14. Why Do I Care?
Why bother putting time and energy into writing about plant-based eating? Why do I care what other people eat? Initially, I lacked confidence in choosing a plant-based eating pattern. I am here to help anyone who wants to shift their way of eating but is still determining whether it is possible to live a healthy life while only eating plants (plus vitamin B12).
I am my biggest critic, and I am willing to bet that is true for most people. Our social media culture involves too much “compare and despair.” My goal is to listen and support rather than dictate what I think is the correct way to live. I also greatly respect evidence-based medicine and use that as my guidepost for making health-related choices.
Evidence-based medicine + compassion for animals supports a plant-based eating pattern. Here’s a reminder that it does not have to be one or the other, all or none. Even eating a plant-based meal daily or one day each week makes an enormous difference for your health, the animals, and the planet. If everyone made a small commitment to eat one plant-based meal per day or week regularly, it would have an even more significant impact than a few people going 100% plant-based.
Would switching one meal or day per week to plant-based fit your lifestyle? Would that help you feel aligned with your values?
*As always, this website and blog information is not medical advice. Please consult your medical professional if you are changing your health behaviors, including starting a new diet or exercise program.